We've found that people really like to buy from BigbigStudio.com, and we'd love to make you a believer, too. Reputable authorized dealers adhere to MAP policies, which means the advertised price is typically the same price found at any authorized dealer. Sometimes products aren't included in said MAP policies, resulting in fluctuating prices across different websites. We absolutely want your business, so if you found a better price elsewhere on this item, let us know and we will attempt match our competitors price! We are eager to help you out.
An Extendable Desk Handphone Holder is a great desk accessories for your office and home. It enables you to have vlog, selfie or attend online meeting easily.
✅360 horizontal and vertical screen ✅Height from 26.5 cm to 36.5 cm ✅Thickened support rod ✅Support all kinds of smartphone, compatible with a variety of camera software
We've found that people really like to buy from BigbigStudio.com, and we'd love to make you a believer, too. Reputable authorized dealers adhere to MAP policies, which means the advertised price is typically the same price found at any authorized dealer. Sometimes products aren't included in said MAP policies, resulting in fluctuating prices across different websites. We absolutely want your business, so if you found a better price elsewhere on this item, let us know and we will attempt match our competitors price! We are eager to help you out.